For a complete bibliography of Gwynne's titles, CLICK HERE.
For detailed information on the books, click on the [more info] link to read the book synopsis, excerpts and other pertinent information.

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]

A Change Had to Come
Dafina Books, October 2009
Trade Paperback
ISBN10: 0-7582-2562-8
[more info]